2017 Harvest 13

Howdy folks and welcome to week 13 of your CSA share! We hope you've been enjoying the past few days of cooler weather--I know we sure have! Damn that was a long hot spell we had going on there.

This week it's full blown summer in the food department. Your boxes are packed with the summer's finest bounty and we're pumped with what's coming out of the ground these days. First of all, the melons are off the hook!! This week there's enough for everyone (thankfully) so you'll all get a chance to taste the sweetness of Tumbleweed Farm melons. The corn is cranking along with bell peppers, summer squash, zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes. The basil is continuing to do well too and we hope you aren't sick of it yet. We grow a lot of basil here at the farm because it's one of the herbs we miss the most in the off season. There's a recipe below for a basil vinaigrette that's absolutely delicious and is a nice change of pace from pesto. I hope you all give it a whirl!

We're getting really excited for the Rock the Harvest party on the 26th. We hope you all can make it. There'll be local beer on tap and the amazing Union Wine Company will be donating canned wine (yes that's a thing and it's awesome!) for the occasion. Feel free to bring a picnic dinner, along with a picnic blanket and anything else you'd like to drink. We're asking that everyone please leave their furry friends at home due to crops, livestock and small children running around.

Alrighty folks, we hope you all enjoy this week's share. It's the perfect weather for fire up the grill and cooking outside with family and friends. 

Cheers to the harvest!

Your farmers,
A & T

Harvest 13

  1. Swiss Chard (keep in a plastic bag in the fridge)
  2. Garlic
  3. Basil (keep in a jar of water on the counter)
  4. Sweet Corn (keep in the fridge)
  5. Melons (keep at room temperature)
  6. Cherry Tomatoes (keep at room temperature)
  7. Heirloom Tomatoes (keep at room temperature)
  8. Radishes (remove the greens and keep them separately in plastic bags in the fridge)
  9. Fennel (keep in the fridge)
  10. Zucchini/Summer Squash (fridge)
  11. Cucumbers (fridge)
  12. Leeks (fridge)
  13. Bell Peppers

Recipe Suggestions