2024 Harvest 11

Howdy folks and welcome to week 11 of your Tumbleweed Farm CSA. We hope you all are having a nice week and enjoying this cooler weather before more heat arrives again.

Before we get to this week’s haul I just wanted to reiterate that the CSA we run is in the model of traditional CSA’s which stand for “community supported agriculture”. We strive to make all the boxes each week the same but because we’re working with Mother Nature and we are picking each individual vegetable there will inevitably be variation between boxes. The photo above is a sample of what’s in the box but bunch sizes, individual vegetable size and even variety will be different among the boxes. I hope that’s helpful information for those who’ve been asking.

Onto this weeks haul! We hope you all enjoy the bounty!

Harvest 11

  1. Kale—super high in antioxidants, contains vitamin C, Vitamin K, Manganese and various polyphenols.

  2. Turnips—Rich in vitamins and minerals turnips are high in antioxidants which help provide anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antibacterial effects, among other benefits. The greens boast a whole list of their own nutritional values but the biggest ones are that they’re high in vitamin A and calcium. Please remove the greens from the turnips and store them separately so the roots don’t get soft.

  3. Head Lettuce—A rich source of vitamins A, K and folate. Also a good anti- inflammatory leafy green.

  4. Beets—rich in folate, manganese and copper. Copper is very important as it helps make red blood cells and helps keep your immune system healthy.

  5. Green Beans—Green beans are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients such as vitamins A & C, calcium, iron, manganese, beta-carotene, and protein. They are also a wonderful source of dietary fiber.

  6. Walla Walla Sweet Onions— Onions are high in probiotics and fiber which is great for gut health. They are also high in vitamin C, which may help regulate your immune health, collagen production, and iron absorption. Onions are rich in B vitamins, including folate and vitamin B6.

  7. Garlic— the list of health benefits is almost too long!! It’s anti-fungal, anti- inflammatory, boosts immune health, and is full of antioxidants! Just eat garlic with every meal!

  8. Zucchini/Summer Squash—Zucchini/summer squash is a highly alkaline food that is one of the mildest and easiest vegetables to digest. Zucchini is a great source of vitamin A, C, & B-complex as well as minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, and manganese.

  9. Cucumber— If you are feeling dehydrated eat a cucumber! Cucumbers are hydrating and contain more than 50 trace minerals. They contain chlorophyll in their skins that’s bonded to B vitamins and vitamins A and C. And cucumbers support digestion and hydration.

  10. Basil—It’s antibacterial and antiviral making it effective against bacterial infections, colds and flu. Basil is a rich source of magnesium and is chock full of vitamins and minerals essential for overall body health and wellness.

Recipe Suggestions

Chicken, Chickpea & Zucchini Soup (so wonderful and simple!)

Zucchini Lime Vinaigrette (One of the best dressings ever!!)

Kale & Beet Slaw with Cashew Dressing (this is so good. Just omit the bok choy and use beet greens or head lettuce in its place)

Beet & Yogurt Dressing (trust this one!! You’ll find yourself drizzling this on so many things!)

Coconut Chickpea & Turnip Curry (We make this all the time. Even toddlers love this!)

Recipes from My Toddler Website